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Bothered by Protruding Ears? Consider Otoplasty

Dec 29, 2021

Bothered by Protruding Ears? Consider Otoplasty

If you’re bothered by ears that stick out too far, overly large earlobes, or lop ears, you should know that you can correct the issue with an outpatient procedure called an otoplasty. Learn all about it here.

Most people don’t think about their ears that often. In fact, if you do think about your ears, it’s probably because you’re not too happy with them. Fortunately, you’re not stuck. Each year, more than 20,000 people choose otoplasty to reposition ears that protrude too far, to make their ear lobes smaller, or to correct lop ears

In fact, Dr. Norman J. Pastorek specializes in this type of procedure. If you’re bothered by your ears, this routine outpatient procedure could be for you. To help you decide, let’s look at the basics of an otoplasty.

What happens during and after otoplasty

Dr. Pastorek tailors your otoplasty to your specific goals. The procedure itself usually takes about two hours and, as an adult, you’ll be under IV sedation during it. 

Dr. Pastorek places any required incisions at the back of your ear, right in the crease where it meets your head. That way, any scarring (although it should be minimal) won’t be visible. He closes your incisions with absorbable sutures so you don’t have to return to get them taken out.

Dr. Pastorek performs all of his otoplasties on an outpatient basis, which means you get to go home the same day. You’ll have bandages to wear over your incisions for about five days. 

Most people recover from otoplasty in just a few weeks. Once you’re fully healed, you can return to all your favorite activities with no restrictions. You can safely fly, swim, and do everything you did before. 

Otoplasty for kids

Otoplasty isn’t just safe and effective for adults. It’s also an option for children or teens. 

If your son or daughter feels self-conscious or is getting bullied about their ears, don’t hesitate to talk with Dr. Pastorek about otoplasty. He has experience performing this procedure for kids to help them feel their best. 

While Dr. Pastorek uses IV sedation for adults, he performs child otoplasties under general anesthesia to ensure the child is completely comfortable during the procedure. 

Because the downtime for an otoplasty is generally a few weeks, it’s ideal for kids on summer break. They’ll be fully healed and ready to return to life without any restrictions by the time the new school year starts. 

If you think an otoplasty could be right for you or your child, don’t hesitate to call one of our offices — in Madison, Connecticut, or on Manhattan’s Upper East Side in New York City — or schedule your appointment online today. A consultation with Dr. Pastorek can help you better understand this procedure and what it could do for you or your son or daughter.